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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I wonder......

It has been a long time since I have actually sat down and wrote on my blog. I have had intentions and heavens knows I have had so much to discuss.  I have been lazy and scared. Some people are great at many things and some such as myself have only been given one great gift. Writing is mine. Writing is suppose to be how I reach out to the world to touch lives. I sit within the cage of my own construction afraid to take the leap and put myself out there for the world to critique. As a child one of my favorite movies was " I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" I remember watching the movie and then begged my mother to get me the book that had that particular poem within it. Recently, I was going through some of my books finally getting ready to donate some because I have so many. I am a serious book hoarder and I do not like to give books away. I have books that are no longer in print. I figured I may as well donate them to a good cause. I found the book as I was sorting through boxes upon boxes.  I read the poem and cried. I am that caged bird. I long so much to be a great writer.  I keep myself locked away in the cage because I am terrified of the unknown. I am learning that you can not be a blessing or a motivator to someone else if you never put yourself out there. So, no more of me not putting my gift to good use.  God entrusted me with this gift for a reason. So to anyone out there that is struggling to step out of the cage you have surround yourself within. Remember you cannot be who you are meant to be if you never step out of the cage.

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