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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Step Outside Your Circle

Good morning blog readers. I pray your day has started with a smile upon your lips and determination in your heart. A few days ago I asked you all to pray for me. I sincerely thank everyone  for their prayers. Today I really wanted to send a reminder out those that perhaps are having the same issues as I was. You have to step outside your circle. Circle can mean your comfort zone or anything you use as defense or coping mechanism, including yourself.  Sometimes it may take someone who is not emotionally linked to you to give a word of encouragement.  I met a lady at a event I was invited to. I had a nice time met several women that were positive influences on society.  I did not think much would happen after the event. Because we as a culture have a habit of exchanging information and just let it collect dust. So when I received a request for a poem or quote for a event I was excited. (It is early morning so I have not had a opportunity to ask the lady that requested the poem to use her name in the blog. So that is why I have not stated her name.)  I received a text from her at about 4am this morning with a link onto YouTube. I have no clue how she knew that I needed motivation and encouragement. But I thank her between the video and prayer I feel renewed in knowing all will be well. So to anyone that reads this today do not be afraid to step outside your circle. "Perhaps the only circle you should willingly shelter yourself in is God because it is impenetrable."- T.W.

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